I have been sewing but there is nothing to count out just yet. I did however, go shopping with 2 of my quilting friends. My stash is sorely lacking in background/neutral/small prints. I found several suitable prints and most of them were end of bolt so I was able to use sales/coupons/end of bolt discounts to make myself feel better. I also bought a dark blue wide backing fabric for my next QOV and a nice red print and a red/white/blue diagonal stripe for my QOV stash.
Fabric in this week 20 yards
Fabric in 2013: 21 yard
Fabric out since last report: 0 yard
Usage for 2013 11 3/4 yards
Total damage +9 1/4 yards
Check out the other stash reports at Patchwork Times.
Welcome Baby Jackson
9 years ago