Friday, May 10, 2013

On the Needles May 10, 2013

Remember last Friday when I reported a LOST sock?  Well, it should have been a lost mind!

I looked and I looked in likely and unlikely places.  No luck.  Then, I weighed the sock I had, all the remaining yarn (and the needles still in the unfinished sock).  DUH

Since then, I have finished the sock I was working on and started the other sock that was only missing in my mind.


  1. I love that yarn, the colors are so pretty! Nice job....I came over from Judy's blog...did not post this week only last...maybe later I will post...too busy of a day...

  2. Love the socks. That's a pretty funny story. Glad you didn't lose your sock.

  3. How do you weigh yarn? I like that color and the stripping.
