Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Socktober Fest Finale

I am glad I decided to participate in this years Socktober Fest.  I hope there is another challenge next year.  I thought I could easily knit 4 pairs of socks from Opal yarn.  I over estimated my abilities!  I began the challenge a week late, ran into some pattern problems and overall enjoyed it immensely.

The first pair I made or attempted went badly.  I used the Jecks pattern and when I had almost finished the second sock, I noticed that the pattern was not centered.  These socks were to be a gift so the error just wouldn't do.  I put them aside.

The second pair of socks were a nice blue/grey/white combination with Opal sport yarn.  The Jecks pattern worked out just right.

 My third pair of sock were a nice red/purple combination yarn.  I used the SKYP pattern for those.  I finished them last night and I'm very pleased with the results.  I will try to get a better photos tomorrow in the daylight so you can see the yarn better.

After I finished those, I unraveled the second sock from my first pair and started over from the ribbing.

I had hoped the get more work done on them before this post but that wasn't in the plans.

So, I fell short of my goal by one pair and one sock.

I will finished them up and be more realistic if there is a challenge again next year.

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